Monday, November 28, 2011


UPDATE! Episode 61 will debut for all audiences NEXT WEDNESDAY 12/7 at 10pmCST/11pmEST. ScrewAttack ADVANTAGE subscribers can get an early look TOMORROW at the same time. Remember, if you sign up for ADVANTAGE select "The Game OverThinker" as your show of choice so that your subscription supports THIS show :)

I don't have an exact date/time for Episode 61 yet (other than to say YES, this one will be available one week early for Advantage subscribers) but it's coming very soon. Until then, here's a new trailer currently running on YouTube that contains a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery teeny-tiny tease at upcoming episodes:


volvo crusher said...

Anyone else think it's ironic that someone opposed to online passes is a part of a website that is adapting this online strategy for their videos?

Hammbone said...
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Hammbone said...

@volvo "Anyone else think it's ironic that someone opposed to oranges is a part of a website that is selling apples?"

fixed. there is a difference to locking people out unless they pay and having them wait 1 week to get it for free. you still get it for free.

eh, but this is the internet, i dont expect you to do anything more than whine harder. have a nice day.

Evilkinggumby said...

Hm, the retrothinker.. so are you doing a duet with someone else? Are you going to use an alter ego to change up parts of your webisodes? Are you going to go head-to-head with folk that can't stop talking about the good old days despite the fact the industry has changed?

I am intrigued to see what you do, though it is a long way off for me so.. oh well.

JPArbiter said...

Enter the bitchers who want boring power point slideshows with voice overs as yet another "Thinker" character comes into play.

Ultima Black Mage said...

Retrothinker eh? I like the sound of that! I love GO episodes revolving around retro games and franchises!

Looking forward to watching this so much. Retrothinker may possibly be just the Game Overthinker just going over the classics but if it's a new character that stays then AWESOME!

shadowhikari said...

LOL majorly the youtube comments are negative.

*sees views of episode are getting lower every new episode.*

LOL hows that story working out for you bob? Remember when you use to get 100,000 or more views per episode? Guess your not keeping your fanbase or any base for that matter.

Ezenwa Anyanwu said...


Until Screwattack throws him off their site, and Escapist Magazine gives him the boot, I don't think he's going to care much. His exposure is fine and dandy now that 2 sites are utilizing him, with a flow of money coming his way.

Generic Levitra said...

Thanks for posting this review! I love this website and I’ve subscribed to it.
I’m looking forward to see your future posts. Cheers !!

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Really intelligent piece of writing buddy, keep it up and I will keep tweeting your blog posts for you so you can get the readers you deserve!

kashif said...

keep it up and I will keep tweeting your blog posts for you so you can get the readers you deserve!

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