Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Beautiful Mario 30th Anniversary Video

There are no words...


Anonymous said...

Phrases like "I'm shedding tears of joy" get overused for nostalgic trips like this, but, honest to goodness, I really felt tearing up at the end. So many wonderful memories.

Crimson said...

I can think of four words, myself. "Arigato Gozimasu, Miyamoto-san." Though, when one thinks about it... are even those simple words enough?

Misterprickly said...

To think; it all started with 4 guys who made a simple little game and sold it to Nintendo.

Only one of those guys had the brains to take ROYALTEES instead of cash... That man has not had to work a day in his life ever since.

ScrewAttackSamus said...

Surprised you never linked to that Metroid 25th Anniversary video made by various fansites with appearances by Tommy Tallarico, Samus' voice actress Jessica Martin, Cave Story Daisuke Amaya, and others (like Thais Yuki, one of the GREATEST Samus cosplayers on the planet)

Andrew said...

My god. Has it been 30 years? And in all that time, I honestly cannot think of a single Mario title that I did not play and love objectively and passionately. I don't think it can be overstated how much this one man has done for the gaming industry and community, and I couldn't be happier for it. Keep on truckin' Miyamoto, you glorious bastard.

Tom said...


Which four guys are you talking about? I know that Miyamoto was responsible for Donkey Kong (not sure who aided him technically, but I'm pretty sure he did most of the design himself) and he was and still is a Nintendo employee (although now with a far higher position).

styx971 said...

can't beleive its been that long already the end made me tear up a bit

banjo2E said...

They skipped Yoshi's Story.

Smashmatt202 said...

30 years of fighting of gorillas, turtles, mushrooms, man-eating plants, ghosts, dinosaurs, frogs, aliens, evil dopplegangers, inter-dimensional entities, the forces of darkness, and Miyamoto knows what else.

Beautiful. Simply, beautiful. Especially the ending.

Smashmatt202 said...

Antonio Black's right, someone needs to make a kick-ass video featuring all the awesome music from the Donkey Kong series!

AMVP said...

Speaking of touching tributes to the videogame medium:


www.sevilla-3d.com said...

It won't truly have effect, I suppose so.