Friday, January 21, 2011





  1. *marks calendar for Monday* Say your prayers, Antithinker.

  2. Love you Bob, but glad to see the Antithinker coming (I hope) to an end. I hope I don't sound like an unreasonable "never evar EVAR change" kind of fan when I say that; it's just how I feel. Perhaps if the Antithinker was produced alongside Overthinker it wouldn't be quite so jarring...I just really, really miss the thoughtful and subtle commentary, and can't help but hope we get back to it soon.

  3. I don't know, I really enjoy Bob's commentary, and in fact I believe him to be some kind of messiah to gaming (alongside the people from extra credits ofcourse), but I also kinda enjoy the satiric tone of the Antithinker character...
    Still, I wouldn't sacrifice Overthinker for that...he's better...^^

  4. This is really getting on my nerves.

    "HERO RETURNS"? Seriously? One of the annoying things about this whole arc has been how the introduction of Antithinker as a villain implicitly casts Overthinker as some sort of hero. This isn't Knightfall, it's a guy giving lectures about video games.

    The most annoying thing about this mini-saga is that it doesn't work. At all. I don't say this as some "hardcore gamer" or "old school gamer" or any other kind of gamer because I'm not what you'd call a gamer. I'm just a guy who finds Bob's observations interesting. But I don't find this interesting because the only observation is "hey, since I'm a nerd, my evil twin would be a jock."

    The premise isn't terrible, but it depends on how you do it. Some people could make it work. But frankly, Bob is not one of them. I don't care about the Antithinker's reign of terror, and I'm not anxiously awaiting the Overthinker's triumphant return. I just want to know when Bob's going to do a video about something other than his own ego, or inversions thereof.

    I realize it's a parody, it's a joke, it's an attempt to do something different. Nothing wrong with those things in principle, but that doesn't mean everything will go right in execution. Just because many parodies are funny and clever doesn't mean that if you attempt a parody that it MUST be funny, or clever, or that anybody who thinks it sucks "doesn't get it."

    Bob, I realize when you started this you became committed for the duration of the story arc, and you couldn't stop now if you wanted to, and it's almost over anyway. But there's a reason people like me nonetheless have to beat this dead horse, and it's the same reason fans have spent fifteen years making sure Marvel Comics is terrified of uttering the words "Ben Reilly." Fans of content have to criticize the bad stuff so that the producers of said content will know: don't do it again.

  5. Ironically, (?) the Antithinker's arrival really nerded up the series. I don't mind him though, just saying.

  6. Yeah, let's wrap this nonsense up right now so the "hero" can get back to what he's good at. Sorry Bob, this just wasn't your thing. :P

  7. I guess this is how it goes when you have practically mastered one craft, and then you decide to give something else a spin. No one can tolerate you taking time out from the thing that made you famous.

    Bob, I hope you take all of the criticism of the Antithinker arc in a very Gallic way - a shrug, a vague hand gesture, a glass of very drinkable Grenache, and some chalk.

    For my part, I hop you will continue to branch out and try different things. Perhaps this version of the 'different' concept didn't work out so awesome. That's alright. There'll be another day, another notion.

    Alternate ending: when we finally see the damn thing, it'll blow our minds and every single one of us will be eating crow with a side order of hat.

  8. I'm just glad this is over so people will stop whining. There's a difference between expressing one's criticisms and just being a petulant child

  9. I know how you feel, Clayton.

    Heck, at this point, I almost want the Game AntiThinker to stick around longer, just to tick off the whiny brats in these comment threads.

  10. what can I say, a good pruning is needed every once in awhile

  11. QUICK!!
    Someone call Bruce Buffer!!

  12. I don't usually comment on things, see Penny Arcade's "internet dickwad theory" for a reason, but I feel obligated to having read all the negative criticism on here.

    I LIKED the anti-thinker stint. It was well conceived and demonstrated the antagonism within different gaming cultures in a satirical and funny way. Go Bob!

  13. Yea. Time to take back what's yours, Bob.

    And if this means the end of whining, great.

    Although, that won't be the case. If that theory at Penny Arcade holds true, people will find something else to complain about.
