Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Adam sez: "Go get in a catfight, lady."

This preview thing looks like it's teasing at the girl from Metroid being a guest-star in the 3DS version of that one fighting game where the chicks have the big boobs:

I don't really care cuz game what need two screens is lame, but if The OverThinker was here he'd be excited to see how much everyone freaks the hell out about her being in a "sexist" franchise when it's not all that different from her being in "Smash Bros."


  1. Smash Bros didn't have a story that made a mockery out of Samus and everything she stands for

  2. WTF is this sh**?! Not only did they make the worst received AND worst selling Metroid, now they are so proud of it, they made the most hated scene into a stage? Seriously, WTF?

  3. I'm fine with this. Unlike many I adored Other M, its my third favorite entry in the entire series.

    As long as Samus isn't a guest in Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball I'm fine with it. Hell this might end up over sexualizing her LESS than Brawl.

  4. thanks for that Bob. If she IS a guest fighter in it that'd be cool since they DID have a Spartan in DOA4 for the 360. It's not like Samus has NEVER been one to give fanservice. Oh wait:

  5. I hope she can just stay in the suit... something just feels wrong about subjecting Samus Aran to jiggle physicss. Is nothing sacred?

  6. I can tell you're having trouble staying in-character Bob.

  7. Well...Link worked really well in Soul Calibur II so I guess this could work.


  9. Before I saw the video, I was thinking the game in question was Soulcalibur, which... I think would have been cooler. Of course, this makes much more sense, what with the whole Team Ninja thing.

    Anyway... these kinds of inter-genre crossovers, like Star Wars meets Soulcalibur, are just awkward and weird.

  10. Does this mean Monty Oum will put Samus in the next Dead Fantasy installment?

  11. So, I guess this was the trade-off to having Team Ninja do Other M. That said, I still won't buy it. Not because Other M was bad, because I did enjoy it, despite the story flaws, if at all. But because I don't enjoy DoA, and its poor attempts at being a solid fighting game franchise.

  12. I love to see fighting game crossovers but the DoA series is just not my thing. It's a shame really, I'd love to play as Samus in Soul Calubur or a vs. Capcom game.

    I don;t see what the problem is anyway, I think strong women are hot.


  14. @imsmart

    Saw the vid. Very introspective. that's a good way to counter an argument. Well, save for copying Bob's style, but that was necessary, I see, to get the point of the video across...

  15. Weird choice of words Bob: "that one fighting game where the chicks have the big boobs"

    So are there fighting games where the guys have them instead?

    Also, props to Clayton. You are correct, good sir.

  16. For now they don't show Samus, so we don't know for sure if she will actually be a playable character.

    But it would be fine by me if they did, even if it is in her Zero Suit.

    I mean, yeah, probably the jiggling physics will piss a lot of fanboys off, but whatever. Let's rememeber DOA games can adjust those physics to be quite moderate, even though most people ALWAYS put it at maximum. You know the "Age 99" thing.

    And I will definitely get this DOA. It's probably the most underrated 3D fighting franchise ever, mostly because most people are incapable of seeing beyond TEH BOOBZ.

    And it's been 5 freaking years since the last DOA game. About time, I guess.

  17. and now apparently the director is saying Samus ISN'T playable:

    Congratulations, you've given me no reason to play this game now.

  18. Goodness, there is a great deal of effective info above!
