Saturday, January 22, 2011





  1. I have the feeling you decided to end this earlier than you would have. I still can't believe the amount of bitching you have received and I hope this doesn't deviate you from trying out new things in the future.

  2. I only recently discovered movie bobs blogs and I have to say, I really enjoy his monologues.

    That being said, Doing little stories like this takes alot of work, I found it a little cheesy but both funny and entertaining.

    I think the fact that he has invoked any emotion at all that compelled anyone to keep watching is reason enough that this was a success.

  3. I would say hopefully people stop whining now, but considering that the Game Overthinker tends to piss SOMEBODY off no matter what, I doubt that. I also realize how badly we need to talk about gaming culture when Daniel Floyd over at Extra Credits also gets a lot of flak

  4. @Clayton:

    Are you serious? Daniel Floyd gets flak now? People really need to calm down. Ridiculous. He's actually much more reasonable than most. Sheesh. Oh, and guess what? He's working in the business or had friends who do. So, yea, he kind of knows what he's talking about.

  5. Trust me, he gets mud slung at him all the time especially when he touches on topics that no one wants to acknowledge like diversity or depictions of sexual content (heck, his piracy video has a 1000 comments). He gets it JUST as bad as Bob does at times.

  6. See, people complaining like this is the reason we can't have nice things!
