Tuesday, January 17, 2012

STAND TOGETHER - The Gaming Community vs SOPA and PIPA

Short version: In solidarity with ScrewAttack.com and other websites, I will not be attending or directly-posting any news coverage of this year's E3 unless the ESA (which runs E3) rescinds it's support for the SOPA bill. Longer version:

Please link, repost, tweet etc. this video/blog as widely as possible; and I stand with the others in asking that you encourage other gaming/web outlets to join the "boycott" of E3.

HOWEVER! please remember that regardless or what this or that person may feel about SOPA; not everyone is in a position to refuse to attend or cover E3 and should NOT be ill-treated if they opt not to join this particular movement of SOPA opposition - the last thing we need at this time is to splinter and fractionalize, so I don't want to see anyone pulling any "this or that site is still going to E3! Traitors!!!" bullshit, okay? Okay.


  1. Understood. Distributing this link across the internet now.

  2. Yes. The time to band together is now. Like with the Supreme Court case, gamers have to stand together and fight this terrible legislation.

  3. Conveniently bob, I was just on my way over here to request that you do just this - thank you good sir for beating me to the punch. Now I'm off to find someone else to send this to.

  4. Well I don't pay much attention to E3 until everything's over and the one or two games I cared enough about to remember them coming out sometimes in the future have their trailers up on youtube. For what it's worth I'll stand by this.

  5. Not that my circle of the internet is at all anywhere near large but I will be supporting this and not allowing any E3 discussion on my website's forums until the ESA removes support from SOPA.
