Monday, August 24, 2015



  1. First off, I find your ongoing overthinker series as a very well polished mixed between comedy and information distribution a well done and much needed piece of film/video creativity. Second, I agree with much you said BUT I feel there is much you didn't touch on. I might have to make my own video on that. I would like to also apologize as I inadvertently seemed to have infringed on your title of overthink with the name of my own youtube channel which i won't mention to show I'm not trying to leech viewers. I would on the other hand like to corresponde with you. If you will, please contact me via email at at your leisure.

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  3. Two things.

    1. We've got an old ass topic whose comments sections is already starting off with shameless self-promotion. Not the worst thing imaginable, but it's pretty transparent. I, at least, advertised a video people here actually wanted to see; not something from someone nobody knew solely to get attention. I just don't like that form of advertisement due to the sheer lack of subtly.

    2. Bob or Blogger or whatever has FINALLY switched back to the old posting style!!! I can just link my Google account to these posts without that "intensedebate" nonsense or whatever that I never figured out. See, Bob. Now we don't have to worry about "Pink Rising 2: Electric Boogaloo" because verifying ourselves with actual Google accounts is EASIER this way. -_-

    1. Although I enjoy the fact that you are obviously an intelligent individual I would like to point out somethink. There is not a single crumb of a hint as to the name of my channel. Even this posting name is not connected. The e-mail, personal. Not the one made for channel or connected to it. I only say this so that you will have all the facts. Also, believe it or not, I hope you keep that passion and fire you have as it is you, not a politically correct you. Meaning that you are using my favorite right. That right is freedom of speech.

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  4. Whether or not you were directly linking up to any of your content was pretty irrelevant to my overall point. You're asking Bob to email you so you can "correspond" or basically just collaborate with him and to top it off, you told us all your email PUBLICLY so enjoy the consequences that go with that. Like I said, it's not that you bothered to express Freedom of Speech that was the problem, it's how you went about doing it. It's just a few steps away from "Great content, now here's a link to some free PSN codes!". It just wasn't "classy", for lack of better words and wouldn't be surprised if Bob doesn't take you up on the offer anyway. He pretty much doesn't respect his fanbase anymore than the people who criticize him. "Scrotal Bisquick" was enough to let me know he doesn't really give two shits about critical thinking anymore.

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