Thursday, November 1, 2012


So... Blip said "yes" to hosting the "Adventures of The Game OverThinker," (aka "the old show with a new-ish name.") Obviously, there isn't a new episode YET, but when they do begin they'll be arriving at, so bookmark that link (or however people save links today.)

So far as I know, the plan is for "OverBytes" to occupy the same space at ScrewAttack TGO did, but I'll let you know if anything changes on that front (I don't expect it to.)


  1. Bookmarked ! Glad to see you got this squared away so quickly. I watch a number of the shows on blip, some on your recommended list so this sort of centers my viewing a bit more into 1 site. Nice!

  2. I like to use RSS feeds, but Blip doesn't appear to have one, or a login system for normal folk who don't have Facebook. Most series I have followed have a site where I can use RSS, and I just use that site's RSS feed.

  3. Congrats, Bob! Can't wait to see all the new content.


    Blip allows embedded videos. Their revenue comes almost entirely from pre-roll ads, so I don't think they care if you go to their site, only that you watch the videos. So as long Bob keeps posting GOT videos here, you can just subscribe to this blog's RSS feed.

  4. Are you gonna try and get on now that your on blip?

  5. Gotta say, I LOVE the idea of splitting the show up like this. Love it love it love it. Keep it up yo.

  6. Can't this be a subscribable kind of channel?
    One of those with a Follow button?

  7. Great news!
    Can't wait to see the first episode.

    Will you also be posting them on YouTUBE?

  8. "Are you gonna try and get on now that your on blip?"

    I doubt TGWTG will pick him up right now. Withe cancellation of The Nostalgia Critic, and the roll out of their new series, they might consider a well established series with a deep fanbase a distraction from their new pilot show.

  9. And now you have four shows. You're gonna kill yourself doing this. You know that, right?

  10. Hey, as long as your BLIP videos don't start having Ads in the middle of the video (Like HALF the cast on TGWTG does) then it's all good.

  11. I've got case petit-mal advertisement epilepsy. Put the ads wherever you want, I won't notice.
