Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Stay Tuned

So... not to be too much of a Teasy McTeaserton, but big announcements about the future of The Game OverThinker are coming in the near future. I'm excited about them, I hope you will be too. Stay tuned to this blog and my Twitter for more details as I get them.


  1. So, an announcement for a teaser for an announcement about a rant show? Why?

    I don't know what it could be. I doubt you will dropping the story segments, so all I can think of is some kind of special guest appearance. Unless it's "OMG! New story line!" in which case I doubt anyone would care?

  2. I would care, I like the story segments.

  3. Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy! I CAN'T WAIT!

    And yeah, I LIKE the story segments in their current "Little bit at the start and a little bit at the end" format. Keep it up! Good stuff.

  4. I am betting it is the final announcement of TGO: THE GAME.

    hmm wonder if it's be a side scroller like mario style or zelde-esque rpg action...

    I check the blog daily so.. here's hoping it's something good! I am assuming you made it through Sandra ok and suffered minor damages out there? We got a tons of wind, flooding and power outages.. but not nearly as bad as those directly hit.

  5. Best of luck to you Bob ^^. I'm a big fan and looking forward to all your upcoming work, just make sure you don't overwork yourself.

  6. Evilkinggumby- It turns out to be a call of duty style FPS, but it's CoD players who he kills in order to save Miyamoto for the evil Xbox 360. The game would review well, but alot of people would complain of to much padding at the beginning and end. :P

    On a more serious note, kind of, if I were to make a moviebob game, it would either be a side scrolling platformer with a focus on action, or a Streets of Rage style scrolling beat em up game. Given Bobs love of ninjas and how much hand to hand combat there was before I started skipping the plot bits (don't know if that's still the case) I think going for thugs and future ninjas would be a good fit for enemies. The problem is, there is nothing particularly about Game Overthinker you could make a game out of, without it being super generic to the point where you could plug anything in and have it work.

  7. I'm going to take a guess at the announcements:

    -More incredible, amazing side characters!

    Am I close?
