Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Microsoft Has Made A Live-Action "Halo" Movie...

...and one of the stars of "Twilight" is Master Chief!

Well, okay, that's a little sensationalized: The actor is Daniel Cudmore, who played one of the Volturi (bad Euro-vampire leader guys) but you might recognize better as Colossus from the third "X-Men" movie. And no, none of this is a joke.

With an impressive amount of secrecy, Microsoft has apparently shot a live-action feature-length movie called "Halo 4: Forward Until Dawn," a prequel set during The Covenant's first attack. Master Chief will be a supporting character, with the main story focusing on a new recruit who will also appear in "Halo 4." It will first be released as a series of five webisodes on Machinma's YouTube channel starting in October, then released as a complete feature film with the Limited Edition of "Halo 4" in November.

Teaser trailer after the jump...


  1. clearly they missed the perfect opportunity to cast Kristen Stewart as Master Chief, I mean come on that woulda been brilliant casting, seriously though this sounds pretty awesome

  2. I don't understand why that sounds like a joke. The guy looks like a jarhead, seems fine for a military role.

    Disclaimer: Don't know anything about Halo.

  3. Why can't we get a movie based on a GOOD sci-fi franchise, like Metroid or Mass Effect?

  4. They are not going to reveal his face anyway so I don't see how the actor being some guy from twilight matters.

  5. What they are doing with the series is actually pretty interesting to me.

    From an interview I heard somewhere, the idea is to produce a series of short stories that tie in to the games co-op modes.

    A quick way to describe it would be a Left 4 Dead TV show that fills in the gaps between the campaigns.

    So chances are, this will be less a movie, and more like the Animatrix or like how certain cartoons in the 80s would stick together a multi part story arc on a VHS and call it "the movie".

  6. I'm heavily doubting the movie's consistency with the lore, the human-Covenant war lasted almost 40-50 years and at the time the games take place master chief was in his 30s. How could he be at the first battle with the Covenant?

  7. It honestly doesn't surprise me. After seeing the trailer for Halo 4 (prior to an actual movie, so I thought it was a trailer for another movie) and seeing all the certainly live enough action, it seems like it would've been a waste to use the set(s) just for that, especially being that the in-game cutscenes are likely to be CGI or game footage.

    Also, WTF Captcha. I can't spell "picture of what looks to be a window" as one of two words.

  8. Oh hey, what do you know, there is a Mass Effect movie being planned:

  9. Just a quick bit of clarification for the Anon worried about lore.

    The Human/Covenant war lasted from the years 2525 to 2553 with Master Chief being 41 years old at the end of the war. Though Master Chief would be around 14 during the start of the war it is documented that Him and the other Spartan 2 soldiers faced off with the Covenant for the first time in November of 2525.

    Also the movie isn't the first battle with the Covenant which is on the colony world of Harvest it just takes place earlier in the war which gives us about a 14 year time frame to make up what is considered mathmaticlly to be the first half of the war.

  10. I wonder to know how the story started from the first halo to halo 4.I fall in love when i play Halo 2 was a great change of graphics and the music wow simply perfect. Cant wait for the movie
