Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fan Art

Check out this nifty TGO fan art from elbubojr, imagining what the show's characters might look like if it were animated (or if I had a higher costume budget and/or more actors):

Love it.

He also did color versions of NecroThinker, PyroThinker, CryoThinker, RetroThinker and both forms of The Anti-Thinker, after the jump:

 Awesome. I especially like "Antiverse Form" Anti-Thinker as a plus-size bruiser, and his design of NecroThinker actually nails the "Kirby/Starlin Cosmic Villain" look I was going for overall better than the actual costume does, IMO.

Good stuff, either way - actually got re-invigorated by this to go out and start pricing-out props for the two (so far) new character's who'll be showing up once the NecroThinker story concludes. I won't say who/what they are, but one of them will mark the first time I've had to wear a wig on the show. (There would've been one already, but I ultimately decided to spare you a one-off character called "UberThinker, who was German and... yeah, that was kind of the whole joke.)


  1. Here's another piece of fan art of you that I stumbled upon a while back that you might enjoy:

  2. Heh. Very cute, and I love how the OverThinker, AntiThinker, and RetroThinker all have distinguishable faces while all still obviously being based on you.

    Although I suspect this is yet another case of "fanart welcome, fanfic *blech*," right? Especially since 'shippy fic in the ThinkerVerse would pretty much have to be either Mary Sue fic or slash, as there aren't any canon female characters yet.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Quite awesome.

    Dissapointed to not see Strawman, though.

  5. The rabbit looks good in a suit.

    I doubt that the real life rabbit would stand for that...

  6. Actually Omorka, you bring up a good point. There are no females in the show.

    Bob, is this for horribly sexist reasons, or is it because you have no female friends? THE WORLD WANTS TO KNOW YOUR SHAME, OVERTHINKER!

  7. @Andrew

    Thus far I don't have female characters because, frankly, I don't want to subject my female friends and family members - who are not themselves professionals or already web-personalities - to the treatment that women who appear on internet gaming/geek shows tend to illicit.

  8. and because every character is bob or his brother

  9. The art is more effort than your actual show.

  10. "The art is more effort than your actual show."

    I'd like to hope you're joking. I doubt he's running more than a couple thousand on costume and prop budget, then he's trying to write both an oped and a story segment plus his shows on the Escapist (I suspect Escape to the Movies involves at minimum 8 hours a week watching new release movies) then he has to block, choreograph fights, film, the slidshow video with it's timing, VO work, special effects, etc. I suspect he does 25, or so, hrs a week on EttM, 5 to 10, or so, on BP and likely 20 to 30 per episode of GO likely with his brother adding another 10 hrs per ep or so. Typical fully shaded fanart in my experience is more akin to 10 to 15 hrs per piece, and "inked" sketches more like 5 to 10.

  11. I bet things like this makes more easy to tolerate the awful haters you have to deal with every day.

  12. I would watch an animated version of the show.

  13. @Josh... animated would be awesome... it would be JUST like more Captain N but more self-aware (which is what TGO pretty much is) but i would settle for a comic version as well.

    its so sad the quality of trolling has fallen to all time lows... please
    learn2troll. then come back, that was just disappointing...

  14. I guess if subjected to it long enough people will learn to like garbage.

    Stockholm Syndrome indeed.

  15. > Thus far I don't have female characters because, frankly, I don't want to subject my female friends and family members - who are not themselves professionals or already web-personalities - to the treatment that women who appear on internet gaming/geek shows tend to illicit.

    Point well taken. Hypothetically, however, you could have made Ivan and Bunnyface girls without changing much.

  16. @vlademir

    Actually the sketches do something that moviebob can't do, despite the many hours you claim he puts in. Make practical and believeable character design.

    The commissionar rabbit actually looks like an authority figure, with his suit, proper office and chair.


    A camera placed on a regular rabbit with poorly cropped images shoed in with bob's voice dubbed over.

    Artist 1, Bob 0.

    The Ninja designs actually look like Ninjas, who would have to be pyshically fit to be ninjas knowing martial arts, sword fighting and bodies that demand a lot of pyshical activity.


    Two fat guys with rent a costumes. Explain how being over weight and slow fits the image of ninja again?

    Artist 2, Bob 0.

    The antithinkers transformed actually shows his a menacing character, large muscular build, a hunching pose showing he walk with heavy weight and broad shoulders with a strong back would make complement to his stabbing or slicing attacks. His weakest points being his legs are covered in shin gaurds showing despite a larger torso he would recklessly charge in, because even damage he would take he have more than enough brute strength to over power.


    A fat guy in a badly made suit.

    Artist 3, Bob 0.

    Also your trying to argue that his choreOgraph fights and special effects would actually take up TIME? Your shitting me right?

    An episode on the escapist or game over thinker where he reuses the same images over and over, that practically can be done by dropping and dragging is TIME CONSUMING? Scrolling images and taking footage elsewhere and cropping them in is TIME CONSUMING?

    Razorfist rageholic does exactly what moviebob did, except he gets new photoshop images done for every episode and gets more shows out before bob does at times! He works two jobs and plays in a band also!

    Have you've seen what other people on the net have done in the time frame it takes bob to crank out these obviously quickly rushed, poorly edited, ms paint special effect shows? Obviously not.

    ""I guess if subjected to it long enough people will learn to like garbage.

    Stockholm Syndrome indeed.""

    Perfectly summed up.
