Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Big Picture: "If The Oscars Were The VGAs"

What if Hollywood's big award show sucked as much as gaming's?


  1. If the Oscars were the VGAs Red Dawn would have been a multi-billion dollar franchise for DECADES

    If the Oscars were the VGAs too many films from before the present day (like the Godfather, The Dollars Trilogy, Easy Rider, etc) would be considered "overrated" and "remembered only because of nostalgia"

    If the Oscars were the VGAs Ehren Kruger would have at least two Best Adapted Screenplay Awards

    If the Oscars were the VGAs they would try to throw a pie in the face of Spielberg for taking too long for an acceptance speech

    If the Oscars were the VGAs they would put Jeff Dunham on stage to crack his racist jokes. And the crowd would love it

  2. If the Oscars were the VGAs, Scott Pilgrim would still get waxed over as a horrible movie, but Kick-A** would be nominated for plenty of awards, only to get overlooked by the latest clone of the Fast and the Furious

    If the Oscars were the VGAs, Twilight would darn near the Titanic of its generation, winning awards....every....freaking....YEAR!

    If the Oscars were the VGAs, Sandra Bullock would be winning for best actress, every time she's up there, but not without stiff competition...from Jessica Alba.

    If the Oscars were the VGAs, Samuel L. Jackson and Nicholas Cage would still be relegated to just presenting awards, instead of winning them, only to make way for Channing Tatum to win darn near everything.

    Lastly (for now), if the Oscars were the VGAs, best 3D movie would be a category....and everyone's heads would hurt collectively looking at the nominees.

  3. If the Oscars were the VGAs, we would have the MTV Movie Awards.

  4. If the oscars where the VGA's, Michael Bay would get the haal of fame named after him.

    If the oscars where the VGA's, the starwars prequels would get more prices.

    If the oscars where the VGA's, Megan Fox would get oscar for best actress.

    If the oscars where the VGA's, Quentin Tarantino will get up the stage and punch the presentator in the face.

  5. If the Oscars were the VGAs, horror and thriller movies would be shoved together in a "Best Scary Movie" category like the VGAs do with FPSs and platformers and putting them in the "Action" genre (which is dumb because almost EVERY GAME EVER contains some element of action)

  6. what I think is really funny is that on the comments section for this vid on the Escapist there's a peculiarly large section of people who are crying about Bob mentioning Nintendo and calling Miyamoto the Da Vinci of the medium. This just blows my mind
