Sunday, September 11, 2011

EXCLUSIVE Episode 57 Preview

Here's a small taste of Episode 57 - an itty-bitty little parody of "G4" that I'm kinda considering spinning-off into it's own thing. Have a look:


  1. I WOULD say this is redundant...but those strawmen over at G4 can't be bashed ENOUGH.

  2. please, for the love of everything that is holy... dont make this spin off.

  3. This is the best spin-off I had ever seen... 'cept Morwen needs bigger implied jugs, and Whats-his-face needs to shake around some more and act more like that muscle-head dude from Deadliest Warrior.

    Nah, I'm just kidding. That much parody in one skit would probably be too much.

  4. I actually think that Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb are pretty good game journalists, but I have to agree with everything else this parody implies about G4. The channel started out as a noble experiment to see if a channel dedicated to video games could succeed. Apparently the network thought that all those stupid little biographies about game creators, trailers, and gaming news shows were just filler for something meant to be a GAMING channel. Which is why can now enjoy 12 hour marathons of Cops followed constant commercials for Axe and Red Bull. This channel had so much potential, but like every other bold experiment in the gaming industry, it conformed to stereotypes in the hope of making more money.

    P.S. I whole-heartedly support the creation of this spin-off, Bob.

  5. There's a very good reason why I just gave up on G4 at some point.

  6. When I heard "EA" and "Wuthering Heights" on the same sentence, I couldn't help but think of Heathcliff psychologically torturing Isabella and Catherine...and then killing them with a giant broadsword. Shudder.
    (Acvievement Unlocked: Smartass reference)

  7. Don't spin this off into it's own thing, please? I honestly think there are only so many jokes you can make about G4 before you're just beating a dead horse. Also, why did you use a muscle-bound douche-bro action figure for Adam Sessler? Whether you like him or not, that's simply not what he looks or acts like, at all. But yeah, that Wuthering Heights bit had me on the floor.
