Sunday, August 7, 2011

Episode 56 COMING SOON!!!

Head's up: Episode 56 is set to debut on MONDAY, AUGUST 22nd at 11pm EST. Mark your calendars and arranged your lives accordingly.

It's a little early to start getting into specifics, but as a small preview I'll say that the topic at hand has been requested for a LONG time and that in a sense it's a kind of "thematic-sequel" to Episode 54. I'll also say upfront that it is not the Supreme Court episode. Not yet. OH! And there will probably not be many preview images, as any interesting visual elements from this one would qualify as spoilers.



  1. Pumping these out a bit quicker. Nice to see.

  2. Wow, you are just CRANKING these out now. I remember waiting over a month for a new episode. I hope this sped up schedule doesn't interfere with your other work.

  3. honestly my main hope is something about dlc and ultimate marvel vs. capcom

  4. Awesome, glad to see these being made faster, as they are, in my opinion, your best show - storylines and all. :)

  5. Sequel to Episode 54? So is it about the current state of Nintendo?

  6. Damn, I'm loving how quickly these are coming out. #54 was a pretty good one, this one better be good too!

  7. If it is about Ultimate MVC 3, I'm sure it's not gonna be too positive.

    As for Nintendo's state, that's a good subject, too. As a Nintendo fan, even I'm a bit concerned...

  8. Yes, the state of Nintendo would be a good subject. I too, am a rather crazy Nintendo fan and am very worried about them.

  9. I just saw the new Jimquisition this week. I think I know what the topic will be

  10. I shat a brick when you described this as a thematic sequel. Please dont let me down

  11. I don't know if this has been addressed before, but will their ever be true 'guest stars'? I mean, BLEE427 (a user from has taken up episodic content and the moniker"Game Anthropologist". He too has a heavy emphasis on research, thought and explanation.

    Or are the obstacles just way too large? I understand cross country distance is a large one. What are the others?
