Thursday, June 2, 2011

Konami's Pre-E3 Teaser

One of those only-in-gaming (or comics) teasers that is either IMMEDIATELY identifiable or utterly meaningless from person-to-person - no middle ground can exist:

I will say this much: If this is teasing what it appears to be teasing - I had BETTER NOT hear the words "first-person," "cover-based," "online multiplayer-focused" or "sandbox" anywhere NEAR it.


  1. sweet. this could have (some) gamers dancing in the street, or simple crying to sleep, wish for the pain to stop.

  2. For the younger crowd, what does this mean? Some insane hard boss returning?

  3. All I know is that TwoupTwodownLeftRightLeftRightBA better be referenced in the game SOMEWHERE!

  4. I got tingles...

    (only ever played the first one)

  5. I was trying to figure out whether it would even be possible for Konami to make another entry in this series that would actually live up to expectation. But then it hit me, all they need are two shirtless guys in blue or red spandex pants and it will be brilliant.

  6. Wouldn't care for this being a Third person game.. first person, no way. i also agree on the "cover based shooing" things. then again... those kind of go hand in hand most of the time........ i really don't have much to be excited about of a possibility. because i have 4 different online multiplayer games i already play so adding one more isn't going to work.

  7. hardcorps uprising was nice (well except sayori was broken)

    If they do something like that i'll be happy.

  8. i just hope its not contra in name only.

  9. You mean like the most recent entry in Konami's other long-standing series?

  10. I hope this isn't a repeat of the following:

    Shattered Soldier
    Neo Contra
    Contra Playstation 1 titles.

  11. @ biomechanical923 what are you talking about?

    anyway, this will likely end up a FPS or 3PS. The fact that there isn't already a Contra FPS is is astounding! Let's face it, Contra just screams "FPS". It's about over-blown badass dudes with guns killing aliens. most FPSs revolve around that same premiss.

  12. I was expecting a newage remix of the tittle screen music but never happened :(

    This was a wonderfull kick ass SIDESCROLLER right there next to Metal Slug. We have enough FPS for douchebags, there's no need at all to add a new one.

    Stick to the basis and is gonna be just fine.

  13. Thanks so much for this post, pretty helpful data.
