Monday, April 4, 2011

Good vs Evil

"War of The Thinkers" is coming along, eh... steadily. Until I have more concrete things to show off, here's a sample - the first still from the production, and (for those keeping track) the first time OverThinker and AntiThinker have appeared onscreen "together" (excluding the video monitors from Episode 47.)


  1. Wait, why is the AntiThinker in non-Skull&Scythe mode in this picture?

  2. @Russano he probably figured the OverThinker would be more frightened of Skull&Scythe mode if he say his enemy transform into it than if it was just a random encounter with a crazy monster claiming to be him.

  3. Because it'd be cheating to do an evil-doppleganger skit without at least one gratuitous "twinning" shot.

  4. Looks interesting, I must admit. Shame on the visible seam. Remote triggering keeps the camera from moving. Just sayin'. I guess you feather the video later, but, yeah.

  5. whens the expected release date and looks epic cant wait to see how it turns out

  6. @ MovieBob

    Well, that's nice that you're not cheating, but you're going to have to think up a reason WHY the Antithinker goes back to his Overthinker-look-alike form. Otherwise, it'll be pretty stupid to have him "reveal" his true form, and have the big bad tell him to fight the Overthinker in that form, only to revert back to the other form.

    That's kind of what I don't like about this storyline, it's kind of inconsistent and schizophrenic.

  7. The Bob form has thumbs, which can hold a controller... or a gun.

    I'm just glad it's clear that the Antithinker isn't what I thought; the gamer who plays games for the sole purpose of having fun. This genre is getting way too serious in some areas.
