Monday, April 25, 2011

Final Preview Image for Episode 50

One more preview image for EPISODE 50 - still set to go live at 11pm ET tonight. (Yes, the visual reference is intentional.)


  1. You're reeeeeeally proud of yourself for this episode, aren't you?

  2. I've been silently grumbling through this whole thing, but now I feel the need to sigh, very loudly.


  3. i dont think its that awful its nice to mix up things every now and again whats that saying variety is the spice of life

    otherwise we might have people complaining that hes getting boring or hes just being controversal for controversial sake

    like people use to complain about

  4. How dare you try anything new, Bob! We don't have room for people expanding themselves as individuals or experimentation in their vocation. I just want you to do the same crap over and over and over...
