Wednesday, February 16, 2011

You've GOT to be able to laugh at yourself

I'll confess to not having been previously aware of "The Game Boob," but evidently he's a clever kid on YouTube whose "schtick" is parodying the subgenre of YouTube-based game-reviewers (aka The Bastard Stepchildren of The AVGN.) In his most recent (?) episode, it's my turn on the spoofing-block:

After watching that, and a few of the other episodes... I've gotta say: The kid has talent. I'm a bit envious of his obvious skill as an editor - he's got killer comic-timing, a sharp eye for the rythym of recurring YouTube memes, and he's certainly jumping into the "bit" with both feet. And good call on the "Amok Time" music - wish I'd thought of that.


  1. Ahaha, I was wondering if anyone out there was parodying these kinds of shows. Thanks for the heads up! His Mario RPG review (in the style of Nostalgia Critic) is just awesome. NO GWEEN OVEWALLS?!?

  2. Really If you want something that at least is insightful watch this...
    Out From The Side Of My Neck!

  3. Meh. His Irate Gamer parody was pretty funny, but apart from that...

  4. Y'know, given that YouTube and Blogger are both owned by Google, you'd think the latter could make embedding video a lot easier to do without cropping. It drove me nuts when I was still blogging.

    On-topic, that was pretty funny, I'll definitely check out his other videos.

  5. "And now, you shall suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous torture." That was a good line.

  6. i liked it. the "it looks like my backyard, and thus i deduct that it IS my backyard" part was really funny.
    i also like the fact that while playing the antiboob, he messed up his accent a few times, and even slipped into another accent, just like BOB does.
    i dont mean to offend, but as the antithinker, he really didnt stick to the same voice. it was some wierd mashup of "joisy" and "surfer dude" and "southie" before it setteled on one accent.

  7. That episode was freaking brilliant. It basically dumbed down and simplified your already straight-forward "storyline" and played it for yuks!

    The Anti Boob is actually more appealing than the Game Boob himself, but then again, I haven't actually seen his other videos yet.

  8. I took a look at his other stuff, and I had a reaction similar to yours.

    He's in the habit of looking for awful video game "remixes" from YTMND to put into his videos. I was pleased more than anything else when I recognized one of my own horrible past efforts in his second video.

  9. I hated it. Rather, I hated the Game Boob's voice. It makes me want to punch him in the face. Also his Anti Boob character was practically entirely ripped off from various Simpson characters.

    I did like his use of the Bulk and Skull song for his theme, though.

  10. Er, not that I think there aren't elements of The Overthinker in the character of The Antiboob, but there's more than a little bit of The Happy Videogame Nerd in there as well.

    It's not just the wine (the HVGN's answer to AVGN's beer), but the format of the review is identical to what HVGN usually does, as opposed to the lecture format of The Overthinker.

    But yeah. Just a little nitpick.


    Did anyone else know about this? Geez...

  12. So, I don't really believe it may have success.
