Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Yes, there are now ads on both of these blogs. I'm trying it out, seeing how it goes, etc; hoping it won't be some kind of "issue."


  1. I highly encourage your selling out. You have provided many hours of entertainment over the years and you deserve as much as you can get!

  2. 1 ad for russian brides and another for the a local hungarian inet portal. not bad

    I'm happy to support your efforts by clicking on the ads but I can't promise i'll buy anything; you see, i'm not planning to get married until i'm 35

  3. Hmm, apparently Google Chrome is blocking it by default. Must be because of the Ad Blocker that they updated into it fairly recently.

    Bob, do you get payed per click, or is there some other plan? Sometimes I like to click on some ads if I think it helps the blogger. I know it's not much, but it might help a little bit.

  4. The only "issue" I have with this is the total lack of lampshading on this post.


  5. Don't see any adds so can't say I mind them.

  6. Okay Bob. But no more "entitlement" berating from here on in. Now, as revenue providers, your viewers really are entitled.

  7. I didn't even notice... apparently I am thoroughly desensitized.

  8. Huh. Not great adds at this point, but I've disabled addblock on your site anyway, out of respect.

    If your page views get high enough, you should really look into selling space directly, to get better adds.

  9. Bob,

    If people are going to go on and on about what you should and shouldn't do on your blog as though they commissioned it, you have every right earn some money for your work.

    I've said this before, but it's your blog, so you should do whatever you want. As a fan, I'll be back to enjoy what you have to say.

  10. I'll leave my adblock on, then, so you don't get any money from my visit. :3
