Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pax 2010

Because people have been asking:

Primarily for financial reasons, I was not able to get a ticket in time (and no, I don't want to buy one off anyone, but thanks anyway) so I will almost-definately NOT be at PAX East this year. However, as it IS going down more or less in my back yard you may see me out and about anyway, in which case feel free to say hi ;)


  1. That's unfortunate. Better luck next year.

    Great videos, BTW. I was really moved by the recent one about us gamers and how we can improve as better people. =)

  2. That's too bad. Indeed, better luck next year. While I'm still planning on attending the Summer event in Seattle, I was unable to go to this one, primarily due to me still being in school.

  3. How about SGC? It's not that big, and being one of ScrewAttack's features, wouldn't you be invited to that?

  4. Bob, have you seen this?

    I know any competent right-wing cynic can find the flaw in her logic but hey, I'm hopeful.

  5. Financial reasons, huh.. Doesn't it just affect us all, I say.
