Friday, June 26, 2009

About the Finals...

Guys, listen up.

Yes, I posted links to my ScrewAttack entry and the place you could vote for it if you so chose.

What I DID NOT ask or encourage anyone to do was flame the SA forums, double-post, get into cut-and-paste arguments or otherwise cause trouble on that site. The enthusiasm is appreciated, bad behavior is not. Be better than that.


  1. My thoughts exactly, OT. For someone like you who prides himself on making good arguments, I'm sure seeing your fans respond like that can be rather insulting.

    Quite frankly, that's just the way the internet works, I'm afraid. Netiquette has been thrown out the window, replaced with behavior along the lines of one of those 12 year old X-Box Micspammers. I wish it weren't that way, but, alas, I think it's too late for anything to be done about it. Anonymity has turned into a good excuse as any to be a colossal douchebag, and, as such, we end up with topics like that.

    Also, yes, I realize the irony in that last statement.

  2. Mods, admins and regular users can't get them to behave. xD
    I suggest replying to that thread and just asking everyone to shut the fuck up xD Of course, a bit more subtle than that.

  3. I think its a shame so many of the GameOverThinker opposition react like immature children. Whenever the offer an explanation for their vote, its usually irrational and unjustified. Obviously, they are entitled to their opinion but I feel that if they feel the obligation to let everyone know how much they dislike MovieBob, then they should be prepared to back up their claims. In addition, I would be more upset at their BS arguments, but just noting their grammatical and syntax errors keeps me happy. Apparently, over-pompous is a word.

  4. Unfortunately this rings more and more true the longer I expose myself to the internet.

  5. I'm a fan, have been for a long time, will be for hopefully a longer one...but just because I am one doesn't push me towards fanaticism of my own ideals. I have spoken with the young man that is quite possibly the loudest voice against your appearance on the site, and for the most part, his argument, while I disagree with it, has some basis, at least from his point of view. I mean, all of us on ScrewAttack, or that watch any of the Game Overthinker have a really good chance of being gamers. How many of you wrote a paper in highschool on some aspect of gaming? In college? I'm in my third year of the latter now, and I think I've written roughly ten term papers and a smattering of other ones on the medium, ranging from violence and sex to the mere fact that it is a medium (stupid art-history professor). I'm sure I'm not the only gamer that's done this. Point in fact, I'm sure of it. So, I can see when someone may say that you're in essence doing what we've all done a thousand times over...but you know what? It's kinda nice for me to see someone else's opinion or views on the matter, and you present in a way that's interesting on top of that...though, seriously, no more squirrel. I don't mean no more fast voice...just go back to the Sonic visual for that, please...or at least use something like Conker, rather than a generic squirrel on the road...wait, that might be what you're going for.


  6. I know this is irrelevent but throughout some of The Gameoverthinker/Movie Bob's video he has mentioned Tyler Perry a few times and the question I have is what's so bad about Tyler Perry's movies. This is an actual question not a fan boy rant. I liked Diary Of An Angry Black Woman(it was the only one of his movies which I saw to the end)/. Can someone actualy explain it to me logically with examples, logical proof, etc?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


    I don't this that info is supposed to be released least not the GP

  9. If that's the case I'll just take it down. My bad.

  10. Congratulations on winning the contest! You certainly deserve it! (Announced on the latest SideScrollers on ScrewAttack)

  11. Just wanted to say that congrats for winning the myvidsdon'tsuck contest. Just finished hearing about it on sidescrollers since I wasn't able make it to SGC and hear about it live... That's great..., can't wait to see what stuff you'll produce outta this...
