Wednesday, December 17, 2008

EPISODE SIXTEEN: "Holiday Show!"

It's that time of year, kids. When entertainers dash off quicker-than-usual Christmas/etc themed shows so they can get back to the relative joys of.. well, relatives. And shopping. Yay.

This installment is sort of a video game shopper's manual for the season's game-buying non-gamers. Seemed like the helpful thing to do. I've designed it to be sent out (hopefully) to anyone you think could use such information. As such, be prepared for certain deviations from the normal additude; including but not limited to: No profanity, slower-pace, less rapid-fire jokes, fewer inside references and copious abuse of an only subtly-game-themed Virtual Fireplace loop.

Happy Holidays!


  1. always love your stuff. a little toned done but with reason. was it just me or was sub-zero fighting reptile(the green ninja)but the "yellow guy" would be scorpion?

  2. Very nicely done. Love your videos, especially the more over the top ones. Keep 'em coming! :D

  3. nice work. I just wish i had somebody to send this to.
    what's the good way to disseminate this to tons of people...? It'd be a shame if it was just preaching to the choir, so to speak.

  4. You rock Bob. My relatives stick religiously to the list plus they've decided I'm too old for games and won't buy them, but I'm sure this will help someone. Good work.

  5. Overall a nice, cute, and tame holiday special that fulfills its goals well. I was a bit surprised that the Mario series wasn't recommended any more than a quick nod to Mario Kart being better than Cars and a quick image of Bowser (and, of course, the recurring image of the moving Fry Guy piece...nice touch), but Pokemon was probably the better series to target. Overall, you do a wonderful job of explaining the gaming community in a less stuck-up and generally friendly manner than most of us are used to.

    I have the distinctive honor of learning most of my vocabulary from Pokemon Red and Donkey Kong Country 2 (Cranky Kong and Swanky had extensive vocabularies), so yeah, I'm basically saying I agree. Then again...I'm probably saying too much, like with my last comments. >.<

    Wish I had people to send this to, but an excellent video nonetheless. Great job, please, keep them coming.

  6. I love the show Pokemon.I have been watching Pokemon regularly for since I was a kid.I was Looking to Free download Pokemon Episodes.I got the Qualitative Source to watch the show.

  7. I had my mom (a non-gamer) watch this with me and she loved it. Even though I loved the tame games as a kid, she said knowing things like this would've made game purchase much less frustrating, and it's cleared her illusions, after raucous laughter, that all games hold an educational merit.

    Even though she knew I learned how to read from games like Mario RPG, Megaman X, and Phantasy Star 2.

    She's now a fan, great work Bob

  8. I couldn't agree more. I taught myself the fundamentals of reading not with picture books or hooked on phonics - but with Zelda. I know the puppy's gonna make it home in the end - but unless I decipher this darned old man's gibber jabber the princess is doomed!
