Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A memo to the fans

Okay. The reason there hasn't been a new video for almost a month is twofold: Firstly, my PC is apparently in some kind of death-throes, so my ability to get online OR edit is sporadic at the moment. Secondly... I can't say much officially at this time, but I have a few other projects taking up some time right now.

Rest assured that new material is on the way, and that I'll be saying more as soon as I am able to.


  1. Looking forward to it.

  2. no worries. i love your videos and they have inspired me to try my hand at making videos similar to yours (but i think my first one wasn't great). its REALLY hard. and i can sympathize with your computer troubles. my new-ish vista computer almost died COMPLETELY after just one month, and i almost lost everything on my computer.

  3. Best lesson I've gleaned from this so far: Software is one thing, but you've GOT to make sure the actual nuts and bolts of the machine are working, too. MSCONFIG can't do jack shit about a blown power-source or a clogged fan.
